African bird ringing and natural habitat tours

About Us

Malcolm Wilson started African Affinity whilst living in Uganda where he founded the Queen Elizabeth National Park Bird Observatory between 1995 and 2001. During this time he conducted fieldwork ringing Palearctic migrants, and realised there were many ringers keen to come to Africa to broaden their knowledge through a whole new range of ringing experiences. 

He became a tour guide whilst living in Uganda and led many Bird Watching and Primatology tours there and in other African countries.

Malcolm is originally from London and started ringing in Hertfordshire, where he trained to become a BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) licensed trainer and now lives in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Black-chested Snake Eagle, South Africa



Our tours are very diverse, spanning many African countries, but all share a common interest - birds and their natural (or built!) environment. Wherever possible, we will take the opportunity to ring birds as a means to learn and to contribute to the environmental science with our findings. Have a look at our gallery or email me!